Green transition and digital economy will revolutionize manufacturing, services, finance and, ultimately, our daily life. After the Covid-19 pandemic, this trend is due to accelerate, thanks to the implementation of the Next Generation EU and China's XIV Five year plan. Will Bruxelles and Beijing's policies lead us towards a better, more equal planet? Which technologies will be improving our way of working and living? Will new energy sources and hi-tech giants contribute to a new global order? Join our intensive online summer school and debate with our outstanding scholars and experts.
Green transition and digital economy will revolutionize manufacturing, services, finance and, ultimately, our daily life.
After the Covid-19 pandemic, this trend is due to accelerate, thanks to the implementation of the Next Generation EU
and China's XIV Five year plan. Will Bruxelles and Beijing's policies lead us towards a better, more equal planet? Which
technologies will be improving our way of working and living? Will new energy sources and hi-tech giants contribute
to a new global order? Join our intensive online summer school and debate with our outstanding scholars and experts.
09:30-10:30 |
Next Generation EU, a Post-Pandemic Grand Plan for European Recovery Meet Stefano Feltri Domani tag: next generation eu, european economy, growth |
10:30-11:30 |
Sino-European Economic Relations at a Crossroad: Attaining Win-Win in the Context of Strategic Partnership and Systemic Rivalry Markus Taube University of Duisburg-Essen tag: eu-china relations, economy, international trade and investments, innovation |
11:30-11:45 |
11:45-12:45 |
Towards COP26: Climate Change, a Global Problem, Global Solutions tag: climate change, glasgow un climate change conference, co2 emissions, climate diplomacy |
09:30-10:30 |
Fighting Pollution, what China can Teach the World Ma Jun Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs tag: china-environment, blue map database, citizen participation, corporate responsability |
10:30-11:30 |
Why China Focus Remains Firmly Fixed on Domestic Problems: Innovation and Environmental Policies in the XIV Five Year Plan Yu Jie Chatam House and London School of Economics and Political Science tag: china policies, XIV five year plan, innovation, environment |
11:30-11:45 |
11:45-12:45 |
Resources Circulation, Zero Landfill: Hong Kong Ambitious Waste Blueprint for 2035 Meet Gioia Morena Gatti Hong Kong Office, Italian Trade Agency (Ice) tag: hong kong, circular economy, environment |
09:30-10:30 |
The "Electricity Triangle", a Possible Solution to the "Energy Trilemma" Ettore Bompard Politecnico di Torino tag: energy, co2 reduction, sustainability |
10:30-11:30 |
The Geopolitics of the Global Energy Transition Simone Tagliapietra Bruegel tag: geopolitics, global energy transition, co2 reduction |
11:30-11:45 |
11:45-12:45 |
From Xinjiang to Africa through Italy, the Unbelievable Journey of the Unsustainable Tomato Discuss with Stefano Liberti Journalist and Author tag: eu-china, agriculture, food chain, food safety, sustainability |
09:30-10:30 |
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and China's Development in Artificial Intelligence Li Daitian University of Electronic Science and Technology of China tag: artificial intelligence, manufacturing, digital revolution |
10:30-11:30 |
The Future of Transport Between Digitalization and Decarbonization Simone Tagliapietra Bruegel tag: transport, decarbonization, connectivity |
11:30-11:45 |
11:45-12:45 |
Academic and Professional Opportunities in China's Rapidly Changing Job Market Meet Alessandra Cappelletti XJTLU and Lorenzo Riccardi RsA asia tag: cultural exchanges, eu-china, career opportunities |
09:30-10:30 |
The Impact of the Digital Revolution on Employment and the EU Economy: Future Prospects Sergio Paba University of Modena and Reggio Emilia tag: employment, social justice, digital revolution |
10:30-11:30 |
The Weak Links in China's Drive for Semiconductors Mathieu Duchâtel Institut Montaigne tag: semiconductors, trade wars, innovation |
11:30-11:45 |
11:45-12:45 |
The Evolving Landscape for Localized Tech Companies in China Meet Paolo Bazzoni China-Italy Chamber of Commerce tag: tech companies, investments, eu-china |
09:30-10:30 |
Digital Euro, Digital Yuan – Virtual Currencies and further Uber-Moments in the Endgame of Retail Banking Yassin Hankir Advanced Bitcoin Technologies AG tag: digital currencies, fintech, digital economy |
10:30-11:30 |
China's Digital Rise, Challenges for Europe Maximilian Mayer University of Bonn tag: internet, social credit system, media-propaganda |
11:30-11:45 |
11:45-12:45 |
The Burden of History: EU-China, the Road Forward Discuss with Kerry Brown King's College tag: eu-china dialogue, strategic rivalry, international relations |
Our lectures by international scholars and experts will provide you with
an in-depth, interdisciplinary and critical knowledge about EU and China progress and cooperation in the field of green
and digital economy: this is a unique learning opportunity
Join up to date presentations, discuss with your peers in break-out rooms, challenge our speakers in Q&A sessions: our interactive and participative method will support your engagement
and enhance your learning experience during our program
Our lectures by international scholars and experts
will provide you with an in-depth, interdisciplinary
and critical knowledge about EU and China progress
and cooperation in the field of green and digital economy: this is a unique learning opportunity
Join up to date presentations, discuss with your peers
in break-out rooms, challenge our speakers in Q&A sessions: our interactive and participative method
will support your engagement and enhance
your learning experience during our program
EU-China Cooperation. Green Transition and Digital Economy Between National Policies and Multipolarism is open to a maximum of 40 students. Your first step to joining our summer school is an application. The application deadline is 4 June 2021.
No applications will be considered after this date
Please submit the following documents:
CSCC does not return application documents
The requested documents have to be sent in .pdf format to the following e-mail address:
We will inform you within one week from the deadline whether your application is successful
Students (including PhD candidates) | EUR 350 |
Professionals | EUR 600 |
The fee covers tuition + working materials, and shall be paid in full by all admitted participants by 16 June 2021
The fee is not refundable or adjustable under any circumstance
A summer school certificate jointly issued by University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Centro Studi sulla Cina Contemporanea and Suor Orsola Benincasa University will be awarded to participants, provided they have taken part in at least 17 out of 18 hours of classes
Five scholarships will be awarded to students with the best curricula. A students' ranking will be made by the CSCC scientific committee and is indisputable
NOTE: only students can be awarded with a scholarship
Students awarded with a scholarship will have their fee entirely reimbursed by September 30 2021, provided they have taken part in at least 17 out of 18 hours of classes
The payment shall be done via direct bank transfer
Bank transfer costs shall be covered by participants
Payee: Centro Studi sulla Cina Contemporanea
IBAN: IT38 U056 9603 2000 0001 2808 X14
Bank name: Banca Popolare di Sondrio
Bank address: 054 Roma agenzia 11
Please state the following as reason for payment:
“NAME SURNAME, CSCC Summer School 2021”